4 Reasons why you need custom labels for your product

Are you looking for ways to elevate the look of your product range? Or maybe you are releasing a new product line and are wondering how to distinguish it from your existing products?

Then we have just what you are looking for: custom product labels. These are such an easy, yet effective way to spice up your product and increase your sales.

Custom labels work just like stickers, but instead of being individually cut, they arrive on sticker sheets – perfect for applying them quickly. So, let us find out more about these sticky beauties.

1. They make your product look high-quality

Especially when you are just starting out, you might feel like your packaging cannot compete with the big brands in your niche. But with custom labels, you can skip the queue. They can create a professional look for your packaging in seconds.

A 2018 study has shown that 67% of consumers prefer paper and cardboard packaging and state that it makes a product more attractive. So give custom paper stickers and labels a try and watch your packaging transform.

2. They can convey additional information

You believe in your product. Use custom labels to get consumers to do the same. You can even include additional information that can make your products stand out from the rest.

By applying this to your product packaging, consumers have the information they are looking for right at their fingertips. This can be anything from ingredients you want to highlight, instructions or how-tos or even facts about the sustainability of your packaging and product.

3. They help customers identify your product 

You should absolutely include your logo on your sticky labels as well as your brand colours. Going custom means that this is no problem at all as you can submit your own design and are in full control over that process.

By sticking to a coherent branding strategy and visually representing that on your stickers, you make it easier for your customers to identify your products on a crowded shelf.

4. They can promote special offers

Looking for a way to highlight a special product range? Then special effect labels are what you need. These labels are printed on effect materials that have a metallic or fluorescent base.

Such labels are perfect for a limited edition campaign. Not only do they emphasise your product line, they also communicate product scarcity.

When a product is only available for a short amount of time it becomes more desirable. It also forces customers to make a purchase decision right away as time is of the essence.

Are you ready to explore the world of custom stickers and labels? We hope so and are excited to see where your journey takes you. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.